怎么给 ABAP CDS 的值字段添加描述字段和帮助字段? 本文以 NW 7.52 上的 S_ODATA_EPMRA_SO_ANA
包里的 CDS 为例做讲解.
Field Labels and Descriptions
ABAP CDS 暴露出来字段的标签和描述是来自其对应的 ABAP Dictionary data elements 标签和描述, 但有时想要重新定义或者本身没有定义 data elements 的字段,则他们的 Labels 和 Descriptions 就需要 Annotations 进行定义了。使用注解 @EndUserText.label
定义字段的 label text 和用 @EndUserText.quickInfo
定义详细的解释,用于辅助功能提示或者 tooltip 这样的显示内容里。
@EndUserText.label: 'List with Sales Orders' -- Annotation at the view level
DEFINE VIEW SalesOrderHeader as ... {
-- Annotation at the field level
@EndUserText: { label: 'Sales Order Header', quickinfo: 'Sales Order Header that provides data relevant for all items' }
SalesOrder as Header;
既然是文本型的就需要支持多语言功能, @EndUserText
支持在 SE63 传统的 ABAP 系统功能中进行翻译
- 打开 SE63 选择 Short Texts -> A5 User Interface Texts -> DDLS CDS Views
- 输入 CDS name 和 Source and Target Language 点击编辑进行翻译
Unfortunately, translations are not added to TR automatically and need to be added manually.
- 执行 SLXT, 如下图说明
执行后便将翻译保存到了 TR 里
- CDS Part 14. ABAP Annotations for Translatable Texts in CDS Views
- Adding Field Labels and Descriptions
首先看一下语言无关, 就是不区分语言的描述字段, 怎么设置?
可以定义一个字段的描述字段, 如下面 Customer
字段对应的文本字段是 CompanyName
@AbapCatalog: { sqlViewName: 'SEPMRACALPCUST', compiler.compareFilter: true }
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Customer'
define view SEPMRA_C_ALP_Customer
as select from SEPM_I_CUSTOMER_E as Customer
@ObjectModel: { text.element: [ 'CompanyName' ] }
key cast( Customer as snwd_customer_id preserving type ) as Customer,
@Semantics: { name.fullName: true }
SADL - First text field listed in the annotation array will be handled as descriptive text of the annotated field in OData exposure scenarios.
之后通过 SADL 暴露出来的 OData Service 的 metadata 就如下, Customer
字段的 sap:text="CompanyName"
属性就指向了 CompanyName
<EntityType Name="SEPMRA_C_ALP_CustomerType" sap:label="Customer" sap:content-version="1">
<PropertyRef Name="Customer"/>
<Property Name="Customer" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="10" sap:display-format="UpperCase" sap:text="CompanyName" sap:label="Customer" sap:quickinfo="EPM: Customer ID"/>
<Property Name="CompanyName" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="80" sap:label="Company" sap:quickinfo="EPM: Company Name"/>
这样 Fiori Smart 系列的 Elements 在用到 Customer
字段时会自动显示其对应的文本字段 CompanyName
的值 ( 或者是合起来的值 CompanyName(Customer)
NOTE: The usage of this annotation
excludes the usage of@ObjectModel.text.association
@Consumption.labelElement: 'CompanyName'
可以指定文本字段, 但不建议使用了.
Text Associations
对于与语言相关的文本字段则需要用另外的方式, 使用 @ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT
与 @ObjectModel.text.association: '_Text'
结合的方式可以做到自动获取语言相关的文本字段值, 如下
@EndUserText.label: 'EPM Demo: Country Texts'
@ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT
@ObjectModel.representativeKey: 'Country'
define view SEPM_I_CountryText
as select from t005t
association [0..1] to SEPM_I_Language as _Language
on $projection.Language = _Language.Language
association [1..1] to SEPM_I_Country as _Country
on $projection.Country = _Country.Country
@Semantics.language: true
key spras as Language,
key land1 as Country,
@Semantics.text: true
landx50 as CountryName,
@Semantics.text: true
natio50 as NationalityName,
@Semantics.text: true
landx as CountryShortName,
@Semantics.text: true
natio as NationalityShortName,
@ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT
注释了此 View 是一个文本视图@Semantics.language: true
指定一个字段是语言字段, 在 ABQL join Data and Text 时此字段将作为过滤条件默认等于登陆语言, 这样就没必要使用 Session 里的 language 或者输入参数进行语言过滤了@Semantics.text: true
指示文本字段, SADL 暴露 OData 时将第一个文本字段作为其字段的文本字段
SAP 推荐的规则
- Text views should only be defined for language-dependent texts and are annotated with
@ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT
.- At least one non-key field has to be defined as a text field in a text view. A text field is annotated with
@Semantics.text: true
- The language field that is used in the text view must be a key field.
- The language field is annotated with
@Semantics.language: true
.- The language code represents the corresponding ABAP internal format (like
). In particular, do not use external formats/ISO codes!- The text view defines a representative key field (a field for which the text view provides texts).
- The name of the text view ends either with …Text or …T.
下面就是在其他视图中使用此文本视图, 使用注解 @ObjectModel.text.association: '<association>'
@EndUserText.label: 'EPM Demo: Country'
define view SEPM_I_Country
as select from t005
association [0..*] to SEPM_I_CountryText as _Text
on $projection.Country = _Text.Country
@ObjectModel.text.association: '_Text'
key land1 as Country,
@ObjectModel.text.association: '_Text'
然后在生成的 OData metadata 里将会是这样的
<EntityType Name="SEPMRA_C_ALP_CountryVHType" sap:label="Country" sap:content-version="1">
<PropertyRef Name="Country"/>
<Property Name="Country" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="3" sap:display-format="UpperCase" sap:text="CountryT" sap:label="国家/地区代码"/>
<Property Name="CountryT" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="50" sap:attribute-for="Country" sap:label="Name"/>
字段是 SADL 自动会Country
增加的文本字段, 并且有了sap:text="CountryT"
Foreign Key Associations
Value Help
Based on Foreign Key Relationship
Text Provider
首先要建一个 Text provider, 因为我们使 Value Help 可以搜索, 所以除了上面讲到的 Text 相关的注解外还要为 Text View 加上
@Search.searchable: true
来表示 View 可以被搜索和 @Search.defaultSearchElement: true
来表示字段可以被搜索, 字段还可以加上 @Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.8
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMO_I_T'
@ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT
@ObjectModel.representativeKey: 'UnitOfMeasure'
@Search.searchable: true
define view ZDEMO_I_Text
as select from t006a as TextProvider
key TextProvider.msehi as UnitOfMeasure,
@Semantics.language: true // identifies the language
key TextProvider.spras as Language,
@Semantics.text: true // identifies the text field
@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
@Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.8
TextProvider.mseht as Name
Value Help Provider
还要为 Value Help 建个 View, 此 View 需要 @Search.searchable: true
来表示可以被搜索, 然后用 @ObjectModel.text.association: '_Text'
和 @Search.defaultSearchElement: true
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMO_I_VH'
@Search.searchable: true
@EndUserText.label: 'Unit of Measure Value Help'
define view ZDEMO_I_ValueHelp
as select from t006 as ValueProvider
association [0..*] to ZDEMO_I_Text as _Text
on $projection.UnitOfMeasure = _Text.UnitOfMeasure
@ObjectModel.text.association: '_Text'
@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
key msehi as UnitOfMeasure,
// association
Consumer View
最后在需要加 Value Help 的 View 里把它加上, 关联上 Value provider 视图并用 @ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_QuantityUnitValueHelp'
把它标注在需要的字段上, 最后别忘了把此 association
define view ZDEMO_C_ValueHelp_Demo
as select from SalesOrderItem as Document
/* Association to quantity unit value help provider */
association [0..1] to ZDEMO_I_ValueHelp as _QuantityUnitValueHelp
on $projection.QuantityUnitCode = _QuantityUnitValueHelp.UnitOfMeasure
/* Field list */
@Semantics.unitOfMeasure: true
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_QuantityUnitValueHelp'
/* List of associations */
然后在生成的 OData 的 metadata 里便会出现三个新信息
- Value Help 的 EntityType
- Association
如果使用 Fiori Smart 系列的 Elements 便会出来字段的 Value Help 如下图
Modelled View
这种方式就简单一些, 首先创建一个可以被搜索的 Value Provider, 加上 @Search.searchable: true
, @Search.defaultSearchElement: true
, @Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.8
@EndUserText.label: 'Business Partner Value Help'
@Search.searchable: true
define view ZDEMO_I_BP_ValueHelp as select from SEPM_I_BusinessPartner_E {
key BusinessPartner,
@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
@Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.8
然后再用 @Consumption.valueHelp: '_BusinessPartnerValueHelp'
使用上就行了, 别忘了暴露出 association
define view ZDEMO_C_BP_CONSUMER as select from SEPM_I_SalesOrder_E as SO
// Association to BP value help
association [0..1] to ZDEMO_I_BP_ValueHelp as _BusinessPartnerValueHelp
on $projection.BusinessPartner = _BusinessPartnerValueHelp.BusinessPartner
/* Field list */
@Consumption.valueHelp: '_BusinessPartnerValueHelp'
/* List of associations */
SAP Value List
standard or fixed-values