Tiven Wang
Wang Tiven May 30, 2019
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本系列文章我们将介绍如何为 SAP S4HANA Cloud 系统开发扩展程序 (Extension App)。本文(项目源代码可下载自 GitLab sourcecode)将介绍如何使用 Cloud Foundry 的 Node.js Application 访问和操作 HANA Database on Cloud。

Step 1. Setup DB Application

为了创建 HANA 数据库对象,我们需要新建一个 Node.js Application。

  1. 在项目根目录下新建文件夹 db,并用命令 npm init -y 初始化为 npm 项目;
  2. 安装组件 @sap/hdi-deploy 命令为 npm i @sap/hdi-deploy

    其实我在本机也没能安装成功此依赖包,并且我也暂时不需要在本地运行此程序,只是为了部署到云 HANA Service 上去,所以我就直接在 package.json 配置里加上了依赖

    "dependencies": {
     "@sap/hdi-deploy": "latest"
  3. package.json 配置里添加 Node.js 启动命令,这里是配置了组件 HDI Deployer
    "scripts": {
     "start": "node node_modules/@sap/hdi-deploy/deploy.js"

    更多介绍关于 HDI Deployer

至此我们的应用程序 Setup 完成了,可以作为程序用了,接下来我们就要创建 HANA DB Artifacts 内容了。

Step 2. Setup HDI Container

Set up the environment required for the deployment to the SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) of an XS advanced application’s database artifacts.

在 SAP HDI 里 XS advanced applications 的 design-time artifact 类型是通过 artifact 的文件名后缀(如 .hdbtable)区分的。这些类型必须关联相应的 build 插件去做 build 和 deployment 的操作,而这种绑定是通过配置文件 .hdiconfig 说明的,所以此配置文件也要一起部署到 HDI container.

在 Cloud Foundry 环境里,service broker 是用来为部署的应用程序创建相应的 HDI Container 的。一个 HDI Container 是一组 schema 和一组 users 的集合,他保证了 database artifacts 的隔离性。从应用程序角度来看,他只是一个 technical user 和一个 schema 。为了向后兼容性,还可以为部署的数据库对象们分配一个 run-time name space,需要定义在 .hdinamespace 文件中,也要一起部署到 HDI Container。

Create HDI container

  • 查看 SAP Trial CF 账号里的 HDI service,使用命令 cf marketplace

    $ cf marketplace
    Getting services from marketplace in org P..trial_trial / space dev as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...
    service                         plans                                                                          description
    hanatrial                       hdi-shared                                                                     Manage Schemas and HDI Containers on a shared SAP HANA database
    TIP: Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.
    $ cf marketplace -s hanatrial
    service plan   description                        free or paid
    hdi-shared     HDI container on a HANA database   free
  • 创建一个 hanatrial 服务的 hdi-shared 计划的实例
    $ cf create-service hanatrial hdi-shared <myHDIcontainer>
  • 绑定到应用程序: 用命令行 cf bind-service <myApplication> <myHDIcontainer> 或者配置在 manifest.yml 文件中

  • 为 DB artifacts 绑定 build 插件,默认 DB artifacts 不会绑定到特定某个版本的插件上,所以需要在各应用程序 design time 指定。配置文件 .hdiconfig (放在应用 artifacts 的目录下 db/src/.hdiconfig)内容如下(完整内容在我的项目源代码中可以找到)
    "plugin_version": "",
    "file_suffixes" : {
      "hdbtable" : {
          "plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.table"},
      "hdbview" : {
          "plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.view"},
      "hdbprocedure" : {
          "plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.procedure"},
      "<hdb_file_suffix_#>" : {
          "plugin_name"   : "<plugin_NAME>",
          "plugin_version": "<local_plugin_VERSION>"}
  • (Optional) 如果需要配置 namespace 可以创建配置文件 db/src/.hdinamespace 内容如下
      "name"      : "com.sap.hana.example",
      "subfolder" : "<[append | ignore]>"

Step 3. Create HANA CDS

Creating the Data Persistence Artifacts in XS Advanced

创建 HANA CDS Artifact 文件 db/src/SALESORDER.hdbcds

    key ID: Integer64; // corresponds to long type in Java
        LEGACYSALESDOCUMENT: String(255) not null;
        SALESDOCUMENTTYPE: String(255) not null;
        SALESORDERDATE: LocalDate;
        NETVALUE: Decimal(9,2);
        DOCUMENTCURRENCY: String(255);
        SALESORGANIZATION: String(255);
        SHIPTOPARTY: String(255);
        SOLDTOPARTY: String(255);
} technical configuration {
    column store;

For XS advanced applications, the CDS document does not require a namespace declaration, and some of the @<Annotations> (for example, @Schema or @Catalog) are either not required or are no longer supported. Instead, most of the features covered by the @<Annotations> in XS classic can now be defined in the technical configuration section of the entity definition or in the view definition.

From SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 01, it is possible to define multiple top-level artifacts (for example, contexts, entities, etc.) in a single CDS document. For this reason, you can choose any name for the CDS source file; there is no longer any requirement for the name of the CDS source file to be the same as the name of the top-level artifact.

XSA CDS 支持和不支持哪些 Annotations 可以在链接 CDS Documents in XS Advanced 找到。

Step 4. Deploy

最后我们部署到 SAP Cloud Foundry Platform,如果顺利最后会停在 Waiting for app to start…,因为部署是一次性过程,所以部署成功后此 Application 会中断并且不会等到成功信息,不要感觉诧异。

$ cf push
Waiting for app to start...

Check in Data Explorer

可以在 SAP Cloud Web IDE 的 Data Explorer 插件里查看创建的表 SALESORDER。关于 Data Explorer 插件可以参考 SAP Cloud Foundry XSA - Getting Started # Check in Data Explorer

Next Steps

SAP Cloud Foundry Node.js - Create XSJS and XSOData Service

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