Tiven Wang
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Training JavaScript - 2. Create Server by Node.js (TypeScript version)

Nat Geo Photography‏
Wang Tiven June 05, 2017
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JavaScript Series:

  1. JavaScript Foundation and Node.js
  2. Create Server by Node.js (JavaScript version) or Create Server by Node.js (TypeScript version)
  3. Angular for frontend development

I want to use Node.js to create a application which can receive the messages that come from wechat server, and store them in MongoDB, and retrieve them by restful api.

Setup Node.js Project

$ mkdir training-javascript-node

$ cd training-javascript-node

npm init

Install TypeScript

install TypeScript using the npm install command:

npm install typescript --save-dev

check the installed typescript version:

./node_modules/.bin/tsc -v

Note: this also generates a new node_modules folder in your project. If you are using Git then should add this folder to your .gitignore file.

Install Gulp

I am going to be using the Gulp task runner to compile the TypeScript source code. Use npm to install gulp:

npm install gulp --save-dev

Now that we have gulp installed, let’s install some task runners:

npm install gulp-tsc --save-dev

Create gulpfile.js

var gulp   = require('gulp');
var tsc    = require('gulp-tsc');

// ** Pre-Configurations * //
var paths = {
  tscripts : {
    src : ['app/src/**/*.ts'],
    dest : 'app/build'

// ** Compilation ** //
gulp.task('build', ['compile:typescript']);
gulp.task('compile:typescript', function () {
  return gulp
    module: "commonjs",
    emitError: false

Check the configuration by running:

gulp build

Create Application Code

Setup Node.js Project by Yeoman

Yeoman is a generic scaffolding system allowing the creation of any kind of app. It allows for rapidly getting started on new projects and streamlines the maintenance of existing projects.

First thing is to install yo using npm:

npm install -g yo

Search the generator that you need from yeoman.io, for example generator-typescript:

npm install -g generator-typescript

Generate scaffolding source code for your application using generator-typescript:

$ mkdir training-javascript-node

$ cd training-javascript-node

$ yo typescript

After answering the prompts you will have a few files and folders in your project folder:

|- app/
|  |- build/
|  |- src/
|  |  |- app.ts
|  |  |- index.ts
|- test/
|  |- test-greeting.js
|  |- test-load.js
|- .editorconfig
|- .jshintrc
|- gulpfile.js
|- package.json
|- README.md
|- tslint.json

Install the dependencies by

npm install

Note: this also generates a new node_modules folder in your project. If you are using Git then should add this folder to your .gitignore file.

Once the dependencies have install already, you can build and run the application using the build tool gulp:



$ gulp
[17:06:54] Using gulpfile \training-javascript-node\gulpfile.js
[17:06:54] Starting 'lint:default'...
[17:06:54] Starting 'buildrun'...
[17:06:54] Starting 'compile:typescript'...
[17:06:54] Finished 'lint:default' after 236 ms
[17:06:54] Starting 'lint'...
[17:06:54] Finished 'lint' after 9.85 μs
[17:06:54] Compiling TypeScript files using tsc version 2.3.4
[17:06:56] Finished 'compile:typescript' after 2.56 s
[17:06:56] Starting 'build'...
[17:06:56] Finished 'build' after 8.21 μs
[17:06:56] Starting 'run'...
Whatup, world!
[17:06:57] Finished 'run' after 252 ms
[17:06:57] Finished 'buildrun' after 2.81 s
[17:06:57] Starting 'default'...
[17:06:57] Finished 'default' after 4.51 μs

To build and run the project: $ gulp

To build only: $ gulp build

To run only: $ gulp run

To automatically build when a file changes: $ gulp watch

To automatically build and run when a file changes: $ gulp watchrun

HTTP Server

Express.js, or simply Express, is a web application framework for Node.js. Express is the backend part of the MEAN stack, together with MongoDB database and AngularJS frontend framework.

To install the Express dependency. I am including the --save flag to my npm install command so that the dependency is saved in the package.json file:

npm install express --save

the associated TypeScript declaration is needed:

npm install @types/express --save-dev

Basic Server

Create Server Class

Create a file server.ts in app/src:

import * as express from "express";

 * The server.
 * @class Server
export class Server {

  public app: express.Application;

   * Bootstrap the application.
   * @class Server
   * @method bootstrap
   * @static
   * @return {ng.auto.IInjectorService} Returns the newly created injector for this app.
  public static bootstrap(): Server {
    return new Server();

   * Constructor.
   * @class Server
   * @constructor
  constructor() {
    //create expressjs application
    this.app = express();

    //configure application

    //add routes

    //add api

   * Create REST API routes
   * @class Server
   * @method api
  public api() {
    this.app.get('/', function (request, response) {
      response.send('Hello World');

   * Configure application
   * @class Server
   * @method config
  public config() {
    //empty for now

   * Create router
   * @class Server
   * @method api
  public routes() {
    //empty for now

Create Index File

Create a file index.ts in app/src:

import ser = require("./server");

const server: ser.Server  = ser.Server.bootstrap();


Test the Server

Build TypeScript files:

gulp build

Start the expressjs server:

node ./app/build/index.js

Test the api by accessing:

You will get: Hello World in your browser.

Middleware for Express

We have created out server.ts module, next we will add more features in our server. So we need to install some more dependencies for middleware. I am using the following middleware in this example Express application:

  • body-parser
  • cookie-parser
  • morgan
  • errorhandler
  • method-override

You can read more about each of these using the links above. Let’s go ahead and get these installed via npm:

$ npm install body-parser --save
/*$ npm install cookie-parser --save
$ npm install morgan --save
$ npm install errorhandler --save
$ npm install method-override --save*/

Also need to install the TypeScript declaration files for them:

$ npm install @types/body-parser --save-dev
/*$ npm install @types/cookie-parser --save-dev
$ npm install @types/morgan --save-dev
$ npm install @types/errorhandler --save-dev
$ npm install @types/method-override --save-dev*/

Create Routes

MongoDB and mongoose

npm install mongodb --save

npm install @types/mongodb --save-dev

npm install mongoose --save

npm install @types/mongoose --save-dev

ES6 Promise




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