地图在我们各种应用中得到广泛应用,而市面上的地图供应商繁多,在选择使用哪种地图时需要考虑众多因素,而国内的地图又尤其与众不同。常见的地图有百度地图、高德地图,国外的有Google地图、Mapbox地图、CartoDB、Here Map、OpenStreet Map、Stamen Map、Esri Map等等,更是繁多。既然这么多不同地图有没有相同之处呐,当然是有。一般的地图都符合一定的地图空间坐标标准,既然坐标标准都一样,那么就应用有一套可视化机制适合所有符合坐标标准的地图。 由Mapbox提供的开源框架Leaflet.js就可以做到,它不提供地图数据,而只是一个地图可视化的javascript库。
demo: baidu map in leaflet.js application
Baidu Map
Baidu Map SRS
关于空间坐标系统可以参考 SRS - Spatial Reference System
百度坐标系并不是真正意义上一个新的坐标系,它只不过是在原有的坐标系的基础上进行了偏移加密。关于百度地图的坐标问题请参考 HANA Spatial with Baidu Map
Longitude Latitude to Point Coordinate
地球经纬度坐标(lng,lat)需要先转换成墨卡托投影(Mercator Projection)的点坐标(x,y)(然后点坐标再转换成计算机的像素点坐标)。Leaflet.js 的 L.Projection
namespace 下的 Classes 即是各种投影算法。
这里就是需要把百度地图坐标(如果你的经纬度坐标是GPS坐标,需要先转换成百度坐标)转换成墨卡托投影(Mercator Projection)的点坐标,转换的数学公式参考Wolfram MathWorld - Mercator Projection。
\[ R = 6378137(mi) 地球半径 \]
\[ x = R * \pi * \frac{lng}{180} \]
\[ \phi = \frac{\pi * lat}{180} \]
\[ y = R * \frac{1}{2} * \ln\left(\frac{1+\sin(\phi)}{1-\sin(\phi)}\right) \]
* Projection class for Baidu Spherical Mercator
* @class BaiduSphericalMercator
L.Projection.BaiduSphericalMercator = {
* Project latLng to point coordinate
* @method project
* @param {Object} latLng coordinate for a point on earth
* @return {Object} leafletPoint point coordinate of L.Point
project: function(latLng) {
var projection = new BMap.MercatorProjection();
var originalPoint = new BMap.Point(latLng.lng, latLng.lat);
var point = projection.lngLatToPoint(originalPoint);
var leafletPoint = new L.Point(point.x, point.y);
return leafletPoint;
* unproject point coordinate to latLng
* @method unproject
* @param {Object} bpoint baidu point coordinate
* @return {Object} latitude and longitude
unproject: function (bpoint) {
var projection= new BMap.MercatorProjection();
var point = projection.pointToLngLat(
new BMap.Pixel(bpoint.x, bpoint.y)
var latLng = new L.LatLng(point.lat, point.lng);
return latLng;
* this is the range of coordinate.
* Range of pixel coordinate is gotten from
* BMap.MercatorProjection.lngLatToPoint(180, -90) and (180, 90)
* After getting max min value of pixel coordinate, use
* pointToLngLat() get the max lat and Lng.
bounds: (function () {
var MAX_X= 20037726.37;
var MIN_Y= -11708041.66;
var MAX_Y= 12474104.17;
var bounds = L.bounds(
[-MAX_X, MIN_Y], //-180, -71.988531
[MAX_X, MAX_Y] //180, 74.000022
var MAX = 33554432;
bounds = new L.Bounds(
[-MAX, -MAX],
return bounds;
Point Coordinate to Pixel Coordinate
墨卡托投影(Mercator Projection)的点坐标point还需要转换成计算机显示屏幕的像素点坐标pixel。Leaflet的Class L.Transformation
做此计算。tile为点在zoom=0级别时的tile坐标,每个tile大小为256px × 256px

\[ \Delta = 0.5 \] \[ \omega = 2^{-8-18} \] \[ tile = point * \omega + \Delta \] \[ pixel = 256 * 2^{zoom} * tile \]
* Coordinate system for Baidu EPSG3857
* @class BEPSG3857
L.CRS.EPSGB3857 = L.extend({}, L.CRS, {
code: 'EPSG:B3857',
projection: L.Projection.BaiduSphericalMercator,
transformation: (function () {
var z = -18 - 8;
var scale = Math.pow(2, z);
return new L.Transformation(scale, 0.5, -scale, 0.5);
Tile Url
Leaflet.js 默认的Tile Url规则是与Tile Coordinate直接对应的,但百度地图的Tile Url也进行了加偏移,转换规则如下
\[ x_1 = x_0 - 2^{zoom-1} \] \[ y_1 = 2^{zoom-1} - y_0 - 1 \]
getTileUrl: function (coords) {
var offset = Math.pow(2, coords.z - 1),
x = coords.x - offset,
y = offset - coords.y - 1,
baiduCoords = L.point(x, y);
baiduCoords.z = coords.z;
return L.TileLayer.prototype.getTileUrl.call(this, baiduCoords);
会使用自定义的 Tile Url Template 进行拼接tile图片地址
L.TileLayer.BaiduLayer.desc = {
Normal: {
Map: 'http://online{s}.map.bdimg.com/tile/?qt=tile&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&styles=pl'
Satellite: {
Map: 'http://shangetu{s}.map.bdimg.com/it/u=x={x};y={y};z={z};v=009;type=sate&fm=46',
Road: 'http://online{s}.map.bdimg.com/tile/?qt=tile&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&styles=sl'
subdomains: '0123456789'
想要使用更多的地图样式,就需要自己去发现其Tile Url Template
Create Leaflet Map
创建地图时要设置 crs:L.CRS.EPSGB3857
var options = {
crs: L.CRS.EPSGB3857, // Set the CRS to EPSGB3857
center: [31.207391, 121.608203], // The initial center(baidu BD-09 format) of map
zoom: 13, // initial zoom of map
layers: [new L.TileLayer.BaiduLayer("Normal.Map")] // initialize baidu map layer
var map = L.map("map", options);