Tiven Wang
Wang Tiven June 17, 2019
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Step 1. Install

首先安装 Essential JS 2 for Angular 的依赖包

npm i @syncfusion/ej2-angular-base
npm i @syncfusion/ej2-angular-charts

Step 2. Product Chart

为 Product Chart 新建一个 Component

ng g component product-chart

product-chart/product-chart.component.html 里填入如下内容

<div align='center'>
  <ejs-chart style='display:block;' [chartArea]='chartArea' [width]='width' align='center' id='chartcontainer' 
      [primaryXAxis]='primaryXAxis' [primaryYAxis]='primaryYAxis' [title]='title' [tooltip]='tooltip' (load)='load($event)'>
          <e-series [dataSource]='data' type='Column' xName='x' yName='y' name='Imports' [marker]='marker'> </e-series>
          <e-series [dataSource]='data1' type='Column' xName='x' yName='y' name='Exports' [marker]='marker'> </e-series>

product-chart/product-chart.component.ts 内容如下

import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { ILoadedEventArgs, ChartTheme } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-charts';
import { Browser } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

  selector: 'app-product-chart',
  templateUrl: './product-chart.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./product-chart.component.css'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class ProductChartComponent implements OnInit {

  public chartArea: Object = {
    border: {
        width: 0
  //Initializing Chart Width
  public width: string = Browser.isDevice ? '100%' : '60%';
  public data: Object[] = [
      { x: 'Egg', y: 2.2 }, { x: 'Fish', y: 2.4 },
      { x: 'Misc', y: 3 }, { x: 'Tea', y: 3.1 }
  public data1: Object[] = [
      { x: 'Egg', y: 1.2 }, { x: 'Fish', y: 1.3 },
      { x: 'Misc', y: 1.5 }, { x: 'Tea', y: 2.2 }
  //Initializing Marker
  public marker: Object = {
      dataLabel: {
          visible: true,
          position: 'Top',
          font: {
              fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff'
  //Initializing Primary X Axis
  public primaryXAxis: Object = {
      valueType: 'Category',
      title: 'Food',
      interval: 1,
      majorGridLines: { width: 0 }
  //Initializing Primary Y Axis
  public primaryYAxis: Object = {
      labelFormat: '{value}B',
      edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift',
      majorGridLines: { width: 0 },
      majorTickLines: { width: 0 },
      lineStyle: { width: 0 },
      labelStyle: {
          color: 'transparent'
  public tooltip: Object = {
      enable: true
    // custom code start
  public load(args: ILoadedEventArgs): void {
      let selectedTheme: string = location.hash.split('/')[1];
      selectedTheme = selectedTheme ? selectedTheme : 'Material';
      args.chart.theme = <ChartTheme>(selectedTheme.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + selectedTheme.slice(1)).replace(/-dark/i, "Dark");
    // custom code end
  public title: string = 'UK Trade in Food Groups - 2015';

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {


app.component.html 中加入, 便可以出来 Product Chart 了


Step 3. Real Data from OData Service

接下来我们把 Chart 的数据改成从真实的 OData Service 取来. 将 ProductService 加到 product-chart.component.ts 里, 然后在 ngOnInit 里调用获取 OData 数据

constructor(private productService: ProductService) { }

ngOnInit() {
    this.productService.getProducts().subscribe(products => {
        this.data = products;

将 OData 取到的 Products 赋值给属性, 然后把 html 中的属性改变一下, 设置成要显示的 Product 的属性 Width 和 Height

  <e-series [dataSource]='data' type='Column' xName='ProductName' yName='Width' name='Product' [marker]='marker'> </e-series>
  <e-series [dataSource]='data' type='Column' xName='ProductName' yName='Height' name='Exports' [marker]='marker'> </e-series>

Step 4. Point Style



Please Note: Its source code is open and it is not free software.

Essential JS 2 for Angular is a proprietary library of Syncfusion Inc. License is offered in two models that is Community and Paid. Detailed explanation is available in the following link https://github.com/syncfusion/ej2/blob/master/license


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