Tiven Wang
Wang Tiven August 04, 2017
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基於上一篇Microservices - Restful API HATEOAS介紹了支持 HATEOAS 特性的 Restful API,本篇介紹如何調用這樣的 Restful APIs,即 consumer client 端的代碼編寫。 Template method pattern

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我們使用 spring web 裡的 RestTemplate 去調用 Restful API,所以在 Spring Boot Maven 項目裡只需要添加這個依賴包


Create Client

創建一個新的類英雄管理者 HeroManager 來作為客戶端調用英雄的 Restful APIs

public class HeroManager implements CommandLineRunner {

	public static String BASE_URL = "http://localhost";

	public String serverPort;

	private final RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate();

	public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

		String heroUrl = BASE_URL + ":" + serverPort + "/hero";

		Hero batman = new Hero("Batman");

		BigInteger id = template.postForObject(heroUrl, batman, BigInteger.class);

		HeroResource hero = template.getForObject(heroUrl + "/{hero}", HeroResource.class, id);

		System.out.println("Got you " + hero.getName());



本地創建一個 MongoDB 服務

docker run --rm --name my-mongo -d -p 27017:27017 mongo


mvn spring-boot:run


2017-08-04 17:31:32.961  INFO 16292 --- [nio-8090-exec-1] org.mongodb.driver.connection            : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:7}] to localhost:27017
Got you Batman
2017-08-04 17:31:33.169  INFO 16292 --- [           main] wang.tiven.trycf.HeroApplication         : Started HeroApplication in 9.013 seconds (JVM running for 14.152)




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