Tiven Wang
Wang Tiven August 03, 2017
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Http proxy

git proxy config

git config http.proxy http://user:pwd@server.com:port
git config core.gitproxy '"proxy-command" for example.com'

npm proxy config

npm config set proxy http://server:port
npm config set https-proxy http://server:port

bower proxy config

Edit your .bowerrc file ( should be next to your bower.json file ) and add the wanted proxy configuration


gradle proxy config

in file gradle.properties


如果经常有需要用到 gradle 的在下载 gradle 过程中网络错误, 可以手动下载 gradle 并放到 %HOME%/.gradle

JVM Proxy

java -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost|host.example.com"

Java Networking and Proxies

maven proxy config

In file ${MAVEN_HOME}\conf\settings.xml <proxies>节点添加如下代理配置


gradle user home

Gradle uses the directory .gradle in our home directory as the default Gradle user home directory. Here we can find for example the directory caches with downloaded dependencies. To change the Gradle user home directory we can set the environment variable GRADLE_USER_HOME and point it to another directory. The Gradle build script will look for this environment variable and then use the specified directory as the Gradle home directory.



npm全称为Node Packaged Modules。 它是一个用于管理基于node.js编写的package的命令行工具。其本身就是基于node.js写的,这有点像gem与ruby的关系。 在我们的项目中,需要使用一些基于node.js的javascript库文件,就需要npm对这些依赖库进行方便的管理。由于我们的开发环境由于安全因素在访问一些网站时需要使用代理,其中就包括npm的repositories网站,所以就需要修改npm的配置来加入代理。 下面简要介绍下npm的配置以及如何设置代理。 npm获取配置有6种方式,优先级由高到底。

  1. 命令行参数。 –proxy http://server:port即将proxy的值设为http://server:port。

  2. 环境变量。 以npm_config_为前缀的环境变量将会被认为是npm的配置属性。如设置proxy可以加入这样的环境变量npm_config_proxy=http://server:port。

  3. 用户配置文件。可以通过npm config get userconfig查看文件路径。如果是mac系统的话默认路径就是$HOME/.npmrc。

  4. 全局配置文件。可以通过npm config get globalconfig查看文件路径。mac系统的默认路径是/usr/local/etc/npmrc。

  5. 内置配置文件。安装npm的目录下的npmrc文件。

  6. 默认配置。 npm本身有默认配置参数,如果以上5条都没设置,则npm会使用默认配置参数。


npm config set <key> <value> [--global]
npm config get <key>
npm config delete <key>
npm config list
npm config edit
npm get <key>
npm set <key> <value> [--global]

在设置配置属性时属性值默认是被存储于用户配置文件中,如果加上--global, 则被存储在全局配置文件中。 如果要查看npm的所有配置属性(包括默认配置),可以使用npm config ls -l。 如果要查看npm的各种配置的含义,可以使用npm help config。 为npm设置代理

$ npm config set proxy http://server:port
$ npm config set https-proxy http://server:port


$ npm config set proxy http://username:password@server:port
$ npm config set https-proxy http://username:pawword@server:port


$ npm config set registry "http://registry.npmjs.org/"

Node.js proxy

Request Http proxy

var request = require('request');
var proxiedRequest = request.defaults({'proxy': 'http://proxy:port'});

proxiedRequest('http://www.google.com', function (error, response, body) {
  console.log('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred
  console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode); // Print the response status code if a response was received
  console.log('body:', body); // Print the HTML for the Google homepage.


The following environment variables are respected by request:

HTTP_PROXY / http_proxy
HTTPS_PROXY / https_proxy
NO_PROXY / no_proxy

Node.js Request Proxies

Request Tor proxy

Run tor on the terminal and try the following. (Needs socks5-http-client to connect to tor)

var request = require('../index.js');
var Agent = require('socks5-http-client/lib/Agent');

    url: 'http://www.tenreads.io',
    agentClass: Agent,
    agentOptions: {
        socksHost: 'localhost', // Defaults to 'localhost'.
        socksPort: 9050 // Defaults to 1080.
}, function (err, res) {

Request Tor proxy

typings proxy

You should be able to install it using npm install -g typings and use it by doing

typings install --proxy <proxy_uri>

or 创建文件.typingsrc Place token in your home directory (C:\Users\yourUsername\ on Windows) or your project directory.

  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "proxy": "http://server:port",
  "registryURL": "http://api.typings.org/",
  "defaultSource": "dt"

tsd proxy

Create a .tsdrc file and in JSON set a proxy

"proxy": "http://bluecoat-proxy:8080"

gem proxy

$ gem install --http-proxy http://server:port $gem_name

Cloud Foundry CLI

System variable https_proxy = http://my.proxyserver.com:8080

Using the cf CLI with an HTTP Proxy Server

Firebase cli proxy

Firebase-tools uses the request module for all connections to auth endpoints, you could try specifying the proxy details using these command line parameters: https://www.npmjs.com/package/request#controlling-proxy-behaviour-using-environment-variables

Set the following environment variables:

HTTP_PROXY / http_proxy
HTTPS_PROXY / https_proxy
NO_PROXY / no_proxy


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