Tiven Wang
Wang Tiven August 08, 2017
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Create Service Registry

cf marketplace -s p-service-registry

Create a service registry service:

cf create-service p-service-registry standard service-registry

Show created service:

$ cf service service-registry

Service instance: service-registry
Service: p-service-registry
Bound apps: try-cf-service-registry
Plan: standard
Description: Service Registry for Spring Cloud Applications
Documentation url: http://docs.pivotal.io/spring-cloud-services/
Dashboard: https://spring-cloud-service-broker.cfapps.io/dashboard/p-service-registry/377790cc-d543-4a45-8982-66b34c1e8adf

Last Operation
Status: create succeeded
Started: 2017-08-08T09:42:02Z
Updated: 2017-08-08T09:45:19Z

Rebuild the Applications

To work with Spring Cloud Services service instances, your client applicaiton must include the spring-cloud-services-dependencies and spring-cloud-dependencies BOMs. Unless you are using the spring-boot-starter-parent or spring-cloud-starter-parent or Spring Boot Gradle plugin, you must also specify the spring-boot-dependencies BOM as a dependency.


Change the spring cloud eureka dependency to


Spring Cloud Connectors

To connect client applications to the Service Registry, Spring Cloud Services uses Spring Cloud Connectors, including the Spring Cloud Cloud Foundry Connector, which discovers services bound to applications running in Cloud Foundry.

Register a Service

Change the @EnableEurekaClient to @EnableDiscoveryClient

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);


The application’s Eureka instance name (the name by which it will be registered in Eureka) will be derived from the value of the spring.application.name property on the application. If you do not provide a value for this property, the application’s Eureka instance name will be derived from its Cloud Foundry application name, as set in manifest.yml:

instances: 1
memory: 1G
  - name: hero-service

Set the spring.application.name property in application.yml:

    name: hero-service

Eureka Instance Auto Configuration

Application use class EurekaInstanceAutoConfiguration to configure a Eureka instance’s settings based on the value of spring.cloud.services.registrationMethod.

  • route will register vcap.application.uris[0]
  • direct will register using the container IP address and PORT environment variable.

The default behaviour is route.

If you want change the default value, you may set the spring.cloud.services.registrationMethod to direct, please refer to Using Container-to-Container Networking:

      registrationMethod: direct

Disable HTTP Basic Authentication

The Spring Cloud Services Starter for Service Registry has a dependency on Spring Security. Unless your application has other security configuration, this will cause all application endpoints to be protected by HTTP Basic authentication.

If you do not yet want to address application security, you may turn off Basic authentication by setting the security.basic.enabled property to false. In application.yml or bootstrap.yml.

You might make this setting specific to a profile (such as the dev profile if you want Basic authentication disabled only for development):


  profiles: dev

    enabled: false

For more information, see “Security” in the Spring Boot Reference Guide.



    "name": "xman",
    "id": 1,
    "catched": true

Using Container-to-Container Networking

To use Cloud Foundry’s container networking to reach an application registered with the Service Registry, you must add a network policy. You can do this using the Networking cf CLI plugin.

Install Networking cf CLI plugin

Ensure you have a recent version of the CF CLI cf version, Should show version 6.28 or higher. If not, update your CF CLI.

Install the plugin from the Cloud Foundry Community Plugins Repository:

cf install-plugin -r CF-Community network-policy

Setting List Access

Run the cf list-access command to list current network policies:

$ cf list-access
Listing policies as anypossible.w@gmail.com...

Source  Destination     Protocol        Port

Use the cf allow-access command to grant access from the Villain application to the Police application:

$ cf allow-access villain-service police-service --protocol tcp --port 8080
Allowing traffic from villain-service to police-service as anypossible.w@gmail.com...

Use cf list-access again to view the new access policy:

The Villain application can now use container networking to access the Police application via the Service Registry. For more information about configuring container networking, see the Administering Container-to-Container Networking topic in the Pivotal Cloud Foundry documentation.

Self-Signed SSL Certificate



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