Tiven Wang
Wang Tiven May 24, 2017
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Try CloudFoundry Series

Routes and Domains

Create Custom Domain and Route

Create a your private domain for your organization:

$ cf create-domain tiven.wang cf.tiven.wang

Creating domain cf.tiven.wang for org tiven.wang as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...

Use the cf domains command to view a list of available domains for the targeted org:

Getting domains in org tiven.wang as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...
name            status   type
cfapps.io       shared
cf-tcpapps.io   shared   tcp
cf.tiven.wang   owned

Map the a route to your respective apps, Developers use hostname, domain, and path to uniquely identify a route to map their apps to:

$ cf map-route try-cloud-foundry cf.tiven.wang --hostname try-cloud-foundry

Creating route try-cloud-foundry.cf.tiven.wang for org tiven.wang / space development as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...
Adding route try-cloud-foundry.cf.tiven.wang to app try-cloud-foundry in org tiven.wang / space development as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...

View the urls attribute of your app:

cf apps

Getting apps in org tiven.wang / space development as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...

name                requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
try-cloud-foundry   started           2/2         128M     128M   try-cloud-foundry.cfapps.io, try-cloud-foundry.cf.tiven.wang

Call try-cloud-foundry.cfapps.io to access my app, but try-cloud-foundry.cf.tiven.wang can’t, because we need configure a CNAME record with your DNS provider.

Mapping Domains to Your Custom Domain

Add a CNAME record in my DNS provider:

try-cloud-foundry.cf to try-cloud-foundry.cfapps.io

Now we can access the app by try-cloud-foundry.cf.tiven.wang

Mapping Route of Path to App

You can also map a path route to the app:

$ cf map-route try-cloud-foundry cf.tiven.wang --hostname labs --path try-cloud-foundry

Creating route labs.cf.tiven.wang/try-cloud-foundry for org tiven.wang / space development as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...
Adding route labs.cf.tiven.wang/try-cloud-foundry to app try-cloud-foundry in org tiven.wang / space development as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...

Add a CNAME record in your DNS provider:

labs.cf to cfapps.io

Now you can access http://labs.cf.tiven.wang/try-cloud-foundry

You must handle the path /try-cloud-foundry in your app

TCP Routing

Build a TCP Application

Application source codes on Github

Build a TCP chat server using Node.js.

var net = require('net');

var server = net.createServer();

var sockets = [];

server.on('connection', function(socket) {
  console.log('got a new connection');


  socket.on('data', function(data) {
    //console.log('got data:', data.toString());

    sockets.forEach(function(otherSocket) {
      if(otherSocket !== socket) {

server.on('error', function(err) {
  console.error('Server error:', err.message);

server.on('close', function() {
  console.log('Server closed:');


Deploy to PWS

Using domain: cf-tcpapps.io

- name: try-cf-tcp
  buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
  command: node index.js
  memory: 128M
  host: try-cf-tcp
  domain: cf-tcpapps.io

Currently, only Shared Domains can be TCP. Admins manage shared domains, which are available to users in all orgs of a PWS deployment. Shared domains are HTTP by default, but can be configured to be TCP when associated with the TCP Router Group.

So we can’t use TCP in PWS now.

$ cf push
Using manifest file C:\dev\github\tiven-wang\try-cf\manifest.yml

Updating app try-cf-tcp in org tiven.wang / space development as i.tiven.wang@gmail.com...

Creating random route for cf-tcpapps.io...

Server error, status code: 400, error code: 310009, message: You have exceeded the total reserved route ports for your organization's quota.

By default, PWS only supports routing of HTTP requests to applications.


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